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  1. You_Exec_-_43_Light_-_Elegance_-_1.pptx

    , slide decks, ebooks, and other tools specifically designed to help you get ahead of the curve and succeed. Let’s get started. You Exec is a service passionately … You Exec BE GREAT AT WHAT YOU DO BY YOU EXEC ABOUT US You Exec is a service passionately focused on the professional development and success of our members
  2. IBM HTTP Server and SSL Certificates

    the password will keep the password with IHS. This means that IHS will be able to be stopped and started without requiring you to enter in the password to the key … Version Most current installs should be fine. However, you should still ensure that the iKeyMan packaged with IHS can start and is the minimal version for 2048
    www.bonsaiframework.comMay 25, 2012
  3. IBM HTTP Server Multiple Instances from a Single Install

    and AfpaLogFile in the IHS configuration files. The configuration file C:optIBMIHSconfhttpd.conf is the starting point. It may include other files. Restart the service after … reported here must be corrected before the service can be started. Uninstall an Instance In some cases you will want to uninstall the instance. As far as I can
    www.bonsaiframework.comMay 24, 2012
  4. Microsoft Azure Journey

    Rough Notes Microsoft Azure was the first Cloud Service we started when balancing the hosting of and Microsoft's clarity of instructions and reputation for easy to use UI. Experiencing the product, we encountered Microsoft's weaknesses when rolling out new
    www.bonsaiframework.comAug 30, 2017
  5. You_Exec_-_43_Light_-_Elegance_-_3.pptx

    passionately focused on the professional PRODUCT You Exec is a service passionately focused on the professional HOW WE STARTED You Exec is a service passionately … PRESENTATIONS You Exec is a service passionately SUMMARIES You Exec is a service passionately PRESENTATIONS You Exec is a service passionately SUMMARIES You
  6. CIS_Apache_HTTP_Server_Benchmark_v3.0.0.pdf

    alternative is to bind Apache web service to an unprivileged port so it is not necessary to start Apache as root. Remediation: Perform the following: 1. If the Apache … is placed in a writable directory other accounts could create a denial of service attack and prevent the server from starting by creating a lock file
  7. Generate Server Private Key with Password Encryption

    Introduction As explained in Apache and SSL Certificates, passphrase encryption requires an administrator's intervention whenever the service is started. As such, the current standard for Web Servers, is to not use password encryption and instead rely on the file system to protect the keys. Having said that, in some
    www.bonsaiframework.comMay 26, 2011
  8. Prevent SSH Brute Force Dictionary Attacks

    . Install Fail2ban Install Fail2ban, sudo aptget install fail2ban The fail2ban installer also starts fail2ban as a service right after installation completes. Most … customize fail2ban to suit your needs. After a day or so on the Internet you should start seeing people getting banned in the logs, /var/log/fail2ban.log. Here
    www.bonsaiframework.comAug 22, 2019
  9. 4.1 Ubuntu Administration Commands

    ... Determine if package is installed, dpkg l grep i upstart Service Management Upstart Upstart is moving towards being the official service management utility. So not all services are yet converted to upstart. However, for the ones that are, it is very easy to use. I'm still filling this out. Determine if a service
    www.bonsaiframework.comMar 03, 2012
  10. SMF (Service Management Facility)

    References good intro guide Migrated to Confluence 4.0
    www.bonsaiframework.comJun 17, 2011